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2009 Vol.31 No.1, Published: 19 January 2009
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Wang Jian-wei; Zhao Yu-ping; Timo Korhonen
Research on Anti-collision Protocols in RFID Systems——Design and Optimization
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 2627 ) [PDF 240KB] ( 1337 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01632

Collision issue is a significant one which limits the reading efficiency of RFID systems. This paper presents two new anti-collision protocols - CDCA protocol and CDCA-2D protocol. Detailed theoretical analysis and optimization for the two protocols are provided in this paper. The new protocols split the reading process of RFID systems into two steps. The collision information is obtained in the first step and then applied to make the second reading step completely collision-free. The simulation results denote that the new proposed protocols highly improve the reading efficiency comparing to the current popular anti-collision algorithm.

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Yao Bing-xin; Hu Ai-qun
On the Multi-user Diversity for Downlink Channel of Multi-user MIMO System
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 2466 ) [PDF 257KB] ( 1109 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01207

In this paper, multi-user diversity in the downlink channel of multi-user MIMO system is investigated and two multi-user scheduling algorithms are proposed which are based on the criteria of maximum system capacity. A factor based on inner products of channel vectors of relative users is used and complexity of scheduling procedure is greatly reduced. Simulation results are presented that multi-user scheduling methods enlarge system average capacity, and with the increase of the number of active users, multi-user scheduling gain grows gradually.

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Zhang Wei-jiong; Zhou Xi-lang; Xu Chang-qing
The Estimation of Slow Time-Varying Frequency-Selective MIMO Wireless Channel Based on Harmonic Retrieval of Vector Sequence
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 9-12 [Abstract] ( 2713 ) [PDF 231KB] ( 878 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01077

This paper studies the estimation of slow time-varying frequency-selective MIMO wireless channel, which is described by the parameter of harmonic fitting model and presents a method of channel estimation based on harmonic retrieval of vector sequence and LS method with nonlinear constraints using training sequence. The method applied in this paper uses the identic sequence instead of chirp sequence. The simulation shows that this method has more simple training sequence and better estimation performance with same SNR in contrast to the method applying chirp sequence as training signals.

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Liu Tao; Qiu Ling
A Satisfaction Based Scheduling Scheme with Hybrid Beamforming Precoding
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 2457 ) [PDF 240KB] ( 1182 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01016

To meet the requirements of services with various quality of service in future broadband wireless communication systems, a satisfaction based scheduling scheme with hybrid beamforming strategy in multi-antenna downlink system is presented in this paper. This scheduler schedules users with joint considerations of users’ QoS requirements and channel quality. The Random beamforming and the Zero-forcing beamforming transmission schemes are selected according to satisfaction criterion. Punishment mechanism is proposed here to avoid users occupying too much more resource than their requirements. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy can guarantee users’ QoS requirements and exploit radio resource utilization better than that of the existed scheduling methods.

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Wang Wei-wei; Zeng Yun-bao; Guo Zi-hua; Chen Chang-jia
Frequency Power Partition Scheme in the Broadband Multi-cell Cellular Networks
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 18-22 [Abstract] ( 2404 ) [PDF 243KB] ( 959 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01060

Frequency Power Partition (FPP) scheme is proposed by considering the uniform distribution of the services among the cells. In FPP, the frequency reuse factor of one is used among the cells. In each cell, two third of the frequency is transmitted by the lower power; while the left is used by the higher power and orthogonal among the neighboring cells. According to the features of FPP, Influence-based Frequency Allocation (IFA) scheme and Profitability-and-Influence based Frequency Allocation (PIFA) scheme are proposed from the viewpoint of the throughput and the fairness, respectively. Finally, a simple power control scheme is designed by considering the uneven distribution of users and services in the cell. The simulation and analysis results indicate compared to the Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR), FPP+IFA and FPP+PIFA could obtain the large improvement on system throughput and fairness, respectively, and the power control scheme could improve the system throughput further when the users and services are distributed unevenly in the cell.

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Yu Fei; Yang Lu-xi
Phase Rotation Modulation Technique for Time-Varying OFDM Systems
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 23-26 [Abstract] ( 2380 ) [PDF 224KB] ( 1242 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01046

Due to the time variation and frequency offset of mobile radio channels of the OFDM system, the orthogonality between sub-carriers will be destroyed. In this paper, a novel phase rotation technique is proposed which can suppress the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) efficiently. This new method can get the minimum of sub-carrier interference in frequency domain by rotating the phase properly on each sub-carrier. Simulation results show that this new scheme can suppress the ICI efficiently and achieve better system BER performance, while the frequency efficiency and transmitting power remain the same.

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Zhong Zhi-meng; Ren Pin-yi; Zhu Shi-hua; Lü Gang-ming
The Channel Capacity and Resource Allocation Scheme for Distributed Alamouti Space-Time Code
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 27-31 [Abstract] ( 2853 ) [PDF 232KB] ( 1005 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00997

In this paper, the channel capacity and the optimal resource allocation scheme for Distributed Alamouti Space-Time Code based on Decode-and-Forward (DF-DASTC) protocol are investigated. Using the degraded relay channel model, the channel capacity of DF-DASTC under fading channels is derived. To maximize the capacity of DF-DASTC, the closed-formed analytical expression of the optimal power allocation scheme with fixed bandwidth allocation is derived for DF-DASTC. Based on the convex optimization theory, the multi-objective optimization issue to maximize the capacity of DF-DASTC is converted into the general single objective optimization problem, and the optimal resource allocation scheme with variable bandwidth allocation is derived. Both theoretical analysis and simulations show that the resource allocation scheme can significantly increase the channel capacity of DF-DASTC. Moreover, the resource allocation scheme is a generalized method, which can be used in wireless relay networks with multiple relay nodes.

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Zhang Yu; Li Zi; Cai Yue-ming; Chen Xian-ming; Xu You-yun
A Cooperative MIMO Scheme Based on Limited Feedback in WSNs
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 32-36 [Abstract] ( 2447 ) [PDF 271KB] ( 968 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01903

A limited feedback-based cooperative MIMO scheme is proposed to reduce the total energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this scheme based on the gradient algorithm, cluster head and cooperative cluster head can automatically adjust their power using one-bit feedback. For the cooperative MISO scheme based on Alamouti-code with limited feedback in WSNs, the bit-error-rate and the energy consumption is analyzed and its energy-consumption expression about Chernoff bound is derived. Analysis and numerical results show that the proposed cooperative MISO scheme consumes less energy than the cooperative MISO scheme based on standard Alamouti-code, and obtains high energy-efficiency. If the one is always chosen, which can provide better channel to transmit data, it will reduce more energy-consumption in WSNs.

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Mao Yong-yi①②③; Li Ming-yuan; Zhang Bao-jun
A TOA/ AOA Location Algorithm in NLOS Environment
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 37-40 [Abstract] ( 3068 ) [PDF 262KB] ( 2340 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01157

In order to mitigate the effect of NLOS propagation, based on the Geometry Based Single- Bounced (GBSB)statistical model, a TOA/AOA location algorithm based on the RBF neural network is proposed. The fast study and non-linear approach capacity of the neural network is made use of to correct the error of NLOS propagation, then the position is calculated by Least-Square (LS) algorithm to improve the location[0] accuracy. The simulation results indicate that the location accuracy is significantly improved and the performance of this algorithm is better than that of Chan algorithm, Taylor algorithm and LS algorithm in NLOS environment.

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Sun Qiao-yun; Tian Hui; Dong Kun;Zhang Ping
QoS Guaranteed Dynamic Resource Allocation for MIMO-OFDM Systems
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 2659 ) [PDF 245KB] ( 1050 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01102

A QoS guaranteed dynamic resource allocation algorithm for downlink MIMO-OFDM systems is proposed based on the research on the issue of resource allocation in multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems. The proposed algorithm utilizes efficiently the spatio-frequency and power resources by taking full advantage of the multiuser diversity under the condition that the QoS requirements are guaranteed. So the system throughput is enhanced significantly. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has good performance and can effectively enhance the system throughput.

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Liu Hong-wu; Feng Quan-yuan
Particle Swarm Optimization-Based and Receive-Diversity-Aided Multiuser Detection for STBC MC-CDMA Systems
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 2784 ) [PDF 251KB] ( 1125 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01205

A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based Multiuser Detection (MUD) is proposed for the receive- diversity-aided and Space-Time Block Coded Multi-Carrier Code-Division Multiple-Access (STBC-MC-CDMA) systems. Due to the receive-diversity, the signals received at the different antennas are faded independently, resulting in an independent cost function for each antenna. To resolve the multi-objective dilemma when choosing one signal estimation for multiple receive antenna-branches, the virtual Pareto front is introduced, and each particle updates it’s velocity and position in a Pareto optimal way. Simulations show that the proposed scheme has the enhanced capabilities of exploration and exploitation and has better performance than the conventional PSO and multi-objective genetic algorithm.

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Meng Yan; Wang Jin-kuan; Zhu Jun
A Linearly Constrained LSCM Algorithm Based on Subspace
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 49-52 [Abstract] ( 2765 ) [PDF 226KB] ( 1130 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01191

Linearly constrained Least Square Constant Modulus Algorithm (LSCMA) is an effective solution to the problem of interference capture in Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA). But the performance will degrade when it is affected by the noise subspace in practical situations. In order to overcome this shortage, a subspace-based linearly constrained LSCMA multiuser detection algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm offers fast convergence rate, has good channel tracking ability and provides excellent output Signal-to-Interference-plus- Noise-Ratio (SINR) and Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. Theory analysis and simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm.

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Liu Jian-guo; Xu Dao-feng; Lin Min; Yang Lu-xi
Multi-user Precoding and Scheduling Algorithm for Spatial Correlation-Aided Ricean Fading Channel with Partial CSI
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 53-56 [Abstract] ( 2912 ) [PDF 247KB] ( 1508 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01189

In order to exploit multi-user diversity gain and spatial multiplexing gain for multi-user MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) system with spatial correlation-aided Ricean fading channel, a joint multi-user precoding and scheduling algorithm is proposed based on partial Channel State Information (CSI). Utilizing partial instantaneous CSI and statistical CSI for all users, the Base Station (BS) estimates the channel for each user using Constrained Maximum Likelihood (CML) approach, and then schedules a group of users with optimal precoding using the estimated channels. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme greatly improves system throughput with a bit of feedback overhead.

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Xu Jin; Tao Xiao-feng; Zhang Ping
Coded MIMO Detection Based on Iterative Channel Soft Information
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 57-60 [Abstract] ( 2274 ) [PDF 260KB] ( 1183 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01202

In this paper, the influence of error propagation on soft demodulation in coded MIMO system is analyzed in detail. Besides, based on the thought of soft symbol interference cancellation, Iterative Channel Soft Information (ICSI) for coded MIMO system is further deduced and proved to have the same form as the inverse of row norm of Moore-Penrose inverse of channel matrix. Theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that the proposed coded MIMO detection algorithm based on ICSI could improve the system performance effectively without additional calculation complexity.

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Yan Tao; Ru Le; Zhang Xi; Du Xing-min
On SNR Mismatch in T-TCM Systems
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 61-65 [Abstract] ( 2470 ) [PDF 270KB] ( 902 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01044

In this paper, impact of SNR mismatch on the T-TCM performance is investigated in AWGN. The Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that when the under-estimate SNR offset is no more than 4dB, the T-TCM performance will not be badly affected, but greater offset can lead rapid performance degradation; Otherwise the overestimate of SNR will never lower the performance. A theoretical explanation is given by analyzing the Jacobian logarithm formula and iterative decoding algorithm, and based on the explanation a new T-TCM decoding scheme without SNR estimation is further proposed, with which the T-TCM systems have no performance loss and can be more conveniently applied and easily implemented.

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Kong Fan-qiang; Li Yun-song; Wang Ke-yan; Zhuang Huai-yu
An Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm for JPEG2000 Based on Rate Pre-allocation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 66-70 [Abstract] ( 2402 ) [PDF 275KB] ( 1058 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01135

A novel scheme for JPEG2000 adaptive rate control is proposed based on rate pre-allocation and feedback control. After wavelet transform and quantification, a prediction module is introduced to estimate the entropy of EBCOT code block within available bit plane, then using the summation estimate entropy of each code block to allocate the rate for each code block. T2 encoder sends feedback to control the coding depth by the pre-allocation bit rate and complete the rate-distortion optimization truncation. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce the cost of computation and memory usage, which is suitable for hardware implementation with low computation.

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Sun Ke-hui; Shang Fang; Zhong Ke; Sheng Zhe
Synchronous Control Between Unified Chaotic System and Its Modified System Based on Intermittent Feedback
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 71-74 [Abstract] ( 2589 ) [PDF 237KB] ( 955 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01079

The synchronization issue between unified chaotic system and its modified system is studied by employing intermittent feedback control. After properly designing intermittent feedback controller, the practical stability of synchronization systems is equivalent to that of the origin of the error dynamic system equation. A synchronization theorem, which satisfies the synchronization condition, is developed based on the stability theorem of the continuous systems and our simulation experiments. The synchronization performances with different initial value X(0) and Y(0), coefficient k, ratio D, step h and parameter α are discussed in detail. A security communication system based on chaotic masking method is designed and simulated by applying the scheme of intermittent feedback synchronization. Simulation experiments proved the effectiveness of the synchronization approach.

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Wang de-gang; Zhang Xiao-ying; Wei Ji-bo
Phase Noise Mitigation Method for OFDM System Based on Huber ML
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 75-78 [Abstract] ( 2550 ) [PDF 237KB] ( 1193 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00977

One of the main drawbacks of OFDM is its high sensitivity to phase noise (PHN). This gives rise to subcarriers phase rotation and InterCarrier Interference (ICI), so the orthogonality of subcarriers is destroyed. In this paper, an iterative PHN mitigation method is proposed. ICI coefficients are estimated in frequency domain by Huber ML estimator, and phase errors are mitigated in time domain samples by samples. The Huber ML estimator is robust to the propagation errors. Simulation results are reported in AWGN and multi-path channel models, which shows that the superior ICI mitigation performance of the proposed algorithm is achieved over the other available PHN mitigation methods.

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Liu Xiao-jian; Wu Xiao-fu; Zhao Chun-ming
Two Typical High Throughput Decoding Algorithms for QC-LDPC Codes
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 2700 ) [PDF 266KB] ( 1598 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01103

In this paper, two typical high throughput decoding algorithms for QC-LDPC codes are presented: turbo-min-sum-product algorithm and parallel-weighted-bit-flipping algorithm. Their performance are compared in three aspects: decoding speed, hardware complexity, and error rate. In order to achieve high-throughput, a novel time scheduling for parallel-weighted-bit-flipping algorithm is proposed. Computer simulation confirms the effectiveness of two algorithms.

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Zhang Jing-lin; Liu Rong-ke;Zhao Ling
Optimized Decoder Design and Implement for High Rate LDPC Codes
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 2634 ) [PDF 224KB] ( 1356 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01072

This paper brings up with a hardware structure optimized method which is suitable for high code rate LDPC decoder, for example, CCSDS recommended LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check code) code with ?code rate of 7/8. LDPC code with high code rate is usually concomitant with problem that row weight is far larger than the column weight. This optimized method is based on check matrix splitting, it also optimizes the common components of parallel decoder structure, and reduces complexity imbalance between Check Node processing Units (CNUs) and Variable Node processing Units (VNUs) existed in high code rate LDPC decoder. Thus, clock performance of the decoder is improved. Experiment has proved, compared with usual partial parallel decode structure, structure provided by this paper saves 41% hardware resources, and the code rate of partial parallel decode structure which adopts the same amount of hardware resources is just 75% than code rate of the structure in this paper.

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Zheng Jian-ping; Bai Bao-ming; Wang Xin-mei
Low-Complexity Particle Filtering Detection for MIMO Systems
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 2625 ) [PDF 265KB] ( 970 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01070

Two low-complexity Particle Filtering (PF) detections for Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) systems, namely sphere-constrained PF and multi-level mapping PF, are proposed by reducing the sample size and the search space of signal detection, respectively. In the proposed sphere-constrained PF, a sphere bound is first obtained based on zero-forcing principle, then the sphere bound is utilized to decrease the number of particles resulted by the importance sampling of each stage in the PF procedure. While the proposed multi-level mapping PF partitions the high-order Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation of size 4L into L 4-QAM constellations with the aid of multi-level mapping, which reduces the search space of signal detection. Simulation results show that the first method can reduce the computational complexity of PF detection effectively without performance degradation especially when the number of transmit antennas is large; and the second method can significantly reduce the computational complexity at the cost of little performance degradation.

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Ao Jun;Ao Fa-liang; Liao Gui-sheng
A New Design for Concatenated Space-Time Block Code M-TCM
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 91-95 [Abstract] ( 2516 ) [PDF 304KB] ( 907 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01042

The maximization of data rate under the constraint of diversity gain, coding gain and total transmit power is a considerable issue in concatenated orthogonal space-time coding system. Based on the concatenated orthogonal space-time coding design criterion, this paper proposed a novel full-rate concatenated orthogonal space-time block codes with multiple trellis coded modulation approach. By introducing the power diversity factor, a new combining algorithm for maximum likelihood decoding is derived. Simulation are performed over the fast and the slow Rayleigh fading channels to demonstrate the 1dB coding gain of the proposed concatenated orthogonal space-time block codes with multiple trellis coded modulation schemes over the super orthogonal space-time coding schemes.

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Hong Shao-hua; Shi Zhi-guo; Chen Kang-sheng
Simplified Algorithm and Hardware Implementation for Particle Filter Applied to Bearings-only Tracking
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 3492 ) [PDF 247KB] ( 4233 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01166

A simplified particle filter algorithm, which introduces a compact threshold-based resampling algorithm and features lower computing power and hardware complexity, is proposed for the bearings-only tracking problem. Based on the proposed algorithm, this paper lays emphasis on the efficient hardware implementation of particle filters on FPGA platform, and presents the hardware architecture of the resample/sample unit and the whole system. Simulation results show that the simplified algorithm outperforms the extended Kalman filter. Experimental study indicates that the implemented particle filter can be used to solve the bearings-only tracking problem and has rather fast processing rate.

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Wang Ming-zhe; Wang Jun
An Improvement on Adaptive Beamforming via Virtual Array Transformation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 101-103 [Abstract] ( 2401 ) [PDF 224KB] ( 1397 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01082

When the conventional virtual array is used for adaptive beamforming, the performance is largely influenced with the transforming area, even the serious distortion of the whole beam map will be aroused if an improper transforming area is chosen. This paper expressed an improvement solution based on subspace processing. With the presented algorithm, the interference null can be steadily formed. Meanwhile, it is not sensitive to which transforming area is chosen. On the other hand, this method can still form a good beam although there are a few snaps. Numerical examples attest the correctness and the validity of the proposed algorithm.

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Xu Mao-ge; Song Yao-liang
A Robust Frequency Tracking Technology for Chaotic Frequency Modulation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 104-107 [Abstract] ( 2592 ) [PDF 248KB] ( 804 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00979

Frequency tracking is a complex nonlinear problem, which is more difficult for the chaotic frequency modulation signal in which the traditional Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) can not work well. Thus, a new state space model for the frequency tracking is proposed, and the particle filter which can be used in nonlinear and non-Gaussian environments is introduced. Further more, the feasibility of the particle filter is analyzed, also the Posterior Cramer-Rao Bounds (PCRB) for the frequency tracking of the chaotic frequency modulation signal is derived. The simulation demonstrates the superiorities of particle filtering at last.

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Wang Rui; Fang Yong
Blind Restoration of Blurred Image Based on Precise Extraction of 2-D GCD
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 108-111 [Abstract] ( 2418 ) [PDF 410KB] ( 952 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00994

In this paper, the issue of blind image restoration is considered by using 2-D Great Common Divisor (GCD) extraction approach. A precise extraction algorithm of 2-D GCD is proposed. Since no high order ill-posed equation is needed, calculation complexity and noise robustness for the algorithm are improved. Simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm is able to provide a better performance than traditional algorithm.

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Lu Cheng-wu①②; Song Guo-xiang
An Image Denoising Method Using Total Variation Regularization for Flow Field
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 112-115 [Abstract] ( 2552 ) [PDF 439KB] ( 1112 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01039

Using image decomposition theory proposed by Meyer, a total variation image denoising method based on smoothing flow field is presented. Firstly, through applying Hilbert-Sobolev norm to measure fidelity term, a total variation filter is used to smooth the normal vectors of the level curves of a noise image. And then, a model is constructed to find a surface which fit smoothed normal vectors. Finally, finite difference schemes are used to solve the Euler-Lagrange functions derived from above models. The experiments show that the approach not only can remove noisy efficiently, but also can retain edges and texture.

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Chen Shi; Ma Tian-jun; Huang Wan-hong; Gao You-xing
A Multi-layer Windows Method of Moments for Gait Recognition
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 116-119 [Abstract] ( 2313 ) [PDF 308KB] ( 1628 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00247

A feature representation method based on multi-layer local moment invariants for gait analysis and recognition applications is developed. The method includes following steps: first, silhouette extraction is performed for each image sequence. Secondly, the gait cycle is detected by a histogram-based approach. Thirdly, a scalarvalued CGHI(Colored Gait History Images) is proposed to describe how human walking is evolved. To improve the recognition rate, the CGHI is decomposed into a sequnce of muti-layer rectangle windows. The moment invariants from the window are used as the gait features and finally used to recognize gait. The correct classification rate of 87.2% is achieved on Soton database, which show that the method outperforms the exist methods.

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Han Yu-bing; Shu Feng; Wu Le-nan
Super-resolution Reconstruction of Video Sequence Based on WLS Filtering
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 120-123 [Abstract] ( 2920 ) [PDF 302KB] ( 1170 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01509

A framework of reconstructing a super-resolution video sequence from a low resolution video sequence is proposed in this paper. First, an upsampling and deconvolution algorithm for single frame is introduced based on regularization by means of CG algorithm. Then after thoroughly studied the motion compensation matrix and weighted matrix, an adaptive filter is designed for the purpose of interframe data fusion based on weighted least square. Experimental results demonstrate the power of the proposed method with some adaptive and robust.

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Shi Hai-liang①②; Fang Min; Liang Jin-jin
Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Satellite Images Based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Stationary Wavelet Transform
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 124-128 [Abstract] ( 2996 ) [PDF 423KB] ( 1283 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01126

This paper researches the multiscal geometry analysis tool, NonSubsampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT), and proposes a new method of fusing panchromatic and multispectral images based on NSCT and Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT). This method first performs NSCT on panchromatic image and the intensity component of multispectral image with IHS, then fuses the low frequency coefficients with SWT for further spatial information extraction, and fuses the high frequency coefficients based on local average gradient fusion rule, finally a fused image is obtained through inversing NSCT. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively preserve spectral information and improve spatial information of the fused image, and outperforms the traditional IHS, wavelet, DT-CWT and contourlet methods.

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Yue Jin①②; Yang Ru-liang; Huan Ruo-hong①②
Research on Image Fusion with Double Density Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 129-133 [Abstract] ( 2734 ) [PDF 764KB] ( 1402 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01014

Double Density Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DDDTCWT) integrates the advantages of double density wavelet, dual tree wavelet and complex wavelet. It has translation invariability and improved directionality. When it is introduced to image fusion, the characteristics of original images are extracted better and more information for fusion is obtained. A novel image fusion method based on DDDTCWT is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the source images are decomposed using DDDTCWT, then the transform coefficients are fused with the fusion regular in the corresponding scales, and finally the fused coefficients are reconstructed to obtain fusion results. The proposed method is successfully used to merge several sets of multi-sensor images with different modalities. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach can significantly outperform the traditional wavelet-transform-based image fusion method.

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Li Lei-da; Guo Bao-long; Biao Jin-feng
Spatial Domain Image Watermarking Scheme Robust to Geometric Attacks Based on Odd-Even Quantization
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 134-138 [Abstract] ( 2497 ) [PDF 558KB] ( 1486 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01043

Watermark robustness to geometric attacks is still an open problem. This paper presents a new multi-bit image watermarking scheme that can resist Rotation, Scaling, Translation (RST), cropping as well as common signal processing attacks. The proposed scheme achieves watermark synchronization using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The watermark is designed in a cirque pattern and it is embedded in spatial domain using odd-even quantization. An odd-even detector is designed to extract the watermark. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves good image quality and it is robust to geometric attacks as well as traditional image compression, filtering operations.

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Yu Hui①②; Wang Yan-fei; Yan Hong-hui
A New Method for Estimating Parameters of K-distributed Clutter
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 139-142 [Abstract] ( 2346 ) [PDF 222KB] ( 1320 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01108

This paper analyzes the statistical characteristics of radar clutter, discusses the K-distributed random process used for describing the amplitude characteristics of the clutter, deduces the formulas of relation between K-distributed and Gamma-distributed random variables, and presents a novel method for estimating parameters of K-distributed clutter. Finally, the simulation experimental results of generating the clutter samples and estimating the parameters prove the conclusion proposed.

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Li Yan; Wang Jun; Zhang Shou-hong
ESPRIT Super-Resolution Imaging Algorithm Based on External Illuminators
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 143-146 [Abstract] ( 2521 ) [PDF 265KB] ( 834 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01087

Passive radar imaging algorithm based on external illuminator requires large accumulated rotating angle of target. But in an actual circumstance, large rotating angle demands long time, which is hard to satisfy the request of real time,on the other hand,target reflectivity function differs at various aspect angles,Moreover, when rotating angle increases,target reflectivity function differs seriously. In this paper, an ESPRIT based high resolution passive radar imaging algorithm is proposed to solve the problem which is that how to form a good image at the instant of small rotating angle. In the method self-correlation matrix of the returned echoes is estimated firstly,then corresponding sine wave frequencies of the scattering-centers with the object is determined through eigenvalue decomposition,target location is deduced with the sine wave frequency,hence the reflectivity of the scattering-centers are computed. Computer simulation confirms the feasibility of the algorithm.

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Yang Ming-lei; Zhang Shou-hong; Chen Bai-xiao; Zhang Huan-ying
A Novel Signal Processing Approach for the Multi-Carrier MIMO Radar
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 147-151 [Abstract] ( 2635 ) [PDF 266KB] ( 1343 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2008.00045

Multi-carrier MIMO radar is a radar system with multiple transmitted antennas and multiple received antennas capitalizing on frequency diversity and spatial diversity to obtain orthogonality of transmitted signals and the methods based on the dechirp processing to obtain High Range Resolution (HRR) are studied in this paper. The IFFT coherent synthesis processing method and the excuse of spurious peaks are analyzed and then a novel signal processing method, Spatial Domain Synthetic Bandwidth (SDSB) approach, is proposed. The multiple carrier frequency LFM return signals transmitted spatially diversity are first deramped by the dechirp processing and then the individual channel signals after the channel separation are combined into an LFM signal with a larger bandwidth by time shift in sequence. Finally the IFFT processing is applied to the concatenated signal to achieve HRR. The approach can be implemented easily, can avoid the spurious peaks effectively without the addition of computation and has a slightly influence on the moving target. Finally the simulation results on the computer validate these conclusions.

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Song Yue-peng①②; Liu Xiang-le①②; Yang Ru-liang
Study on Intersection of Spectrum and Sub-band Processing Technique in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 152-155 [Abstract] ( 2167 ) [PDF 232KB] ( 1296 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01181

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) using multiple transmit-receive apertures can obtain wider swath and higher spatial resolution. In this paper, intersection of frequency spectrum is adopted in the SAR imaging using multiple transmit-receive apertures, which can achieve high range and azimuth resolution simultaneously. As for sub-band pulses synchronously transmit-received, a method of sub-band combination in time domain prior to pulse-compression is proposed and sub-band compression prior to combining is proposed in frequency domain as a extension. The simulation result illustrates the validity of these methods. In addition, there exist some phase differences caused by the carrier frequency and their influence on pulse compression and SAR imaging is studied, the computer simulation is made to show the influence.

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Tan Ge-wei;Deng Yun-kai
A Kind of Method of Extended Wavenumber Domain Algorithm for Squint SAR Motion Compensation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 156-159 [Abstract] ( 2279 ) [PDF 326KB] ( 1004 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01110

Accurate motion compensation is a key issue for high-resolution airborne SAR imaging. In order to attain high-quality squint SAR images, it is detailedly discussed that Extended Wavenumber Domain (EWD) algorithm combines two-step motion compensation technique processing squint SAR data affected by motion error in the paper,a kind of method of squint EWD algorithm is put forward, simulation and real SAR data processing results with this method are given to prove the feasibility of such algorithm.

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Zhang Liang; Li Yu; Ji Ke-feng; Su Yi
ACCA-CFAR Detection with Local Adaptive Threshold
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 160-163 [Abstract] ( 2514 ) [PDF 261KB] ( 1275 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01041

A modified ACCA-CFAR method with local adaptive threshold is proposed for SAR image detection based on ACCA-CFAR in this paper, in which the K-distribution is used to describe the clutter. First the parameter of K-distribution is estimated, secondly, the local ODV (Ordered Data Variability) threshold is determined and the background pixels are selected, finally the detection is made. The paper also proves that the ODV threshold is related with the parameter of the local statistical model. Finally, the algorithm is applied to SAR image of ship, and the result indicates that there are fewer false alarms in the new algorithm, and the whole ship targets are detected with more structure details.

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Cheng De-bao; Hu Feng-ming②③; Yang Ru-liang
Study on Target Detection of SAR Image Using Improved Fractal Feature
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 164-168 [Abstract] ( 2289 ) [PDF 574KB] ( 1124 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2008.00416

The improved fractal feature of each pixel can be extracted based on the filtered image using the exponential wavelet at one scale and energy functions. This paper studies the method of the improved fractal feature for SAR images target detection. The results of target detections using the improved fractal feature are compared with that using the method of Extended Fractal (EF) for SAR images in the simple and complex backgrounds respectively. Results state the method using the improved fractal feature can not only detect all size-fixed targets but also have lower false alarm rates, spatial resolution of the detected targets are higher and the locations of the detected targets are more accurate in both of the backgrounds, but worse false alarm rates in complex background than in the simple background using the improved fractal feature.

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Jin Tian; Zhou Zhi-min
A Novel Feature Extraction Method for Unexploded Ordnance in Ultra-Wideband SAR
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 169-172 [Abstract] ( 2368 ) [PDF 286KB] ( 993 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01107

Ultra-WideBand Synthetic Aperture Radar (UWB SAR) can detect shallow buried UneXploded Ordnance (UXO), where the efficiency of extracted features determines the detection performance. The traditional subband-subaperture processing extracts the frequency and aspect information of UXO scattering with sacrifice of spatial resolutions. According to the issue, in this paper, the frequency and aspect angle features extraction method is proposed on the Space-Wavenumber Distribution (SWD), which is combined with the moment invariants to obtain the shift- and rotation-invariant feature set. The proposed feature set contains not only the frequency and aspect information but also high spatial resolutions information. Field data processing results show that the proposed features in this paper can improve the UXO detection performance efficiently.

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Gong Zhen-qiang; Zhang Xiao-ling
Translationally Invariant Airborne Bistatic SAR Imaging Algorithm and Experimental Result
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 173-176 [Abstract] ( 2565 ) [PDF 319KB] ( 880 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01066

Based on the analysis of bistatic SAR geometry model, bistatic SAR echoed signal is modeled in the double range variables domain in this paper, and the relationship between the double range variable domain and the single range variable domain is established. Then a range-dependent Doppler algorithm for imaging processing airborne bistatic SAR raw data of the translationally invariant configuration is derived, and the effect of error of the algorithm is analyzed by simulating. The algorithm is also tested with real data, and the advantage of the algorithm is proved by the comparison with bistatic SAR traditional RD algorithm.

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Sun Xian①②; Wang Hong-qi; Zhang Zheng①②
Automatic Building Extraction in High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Using Object-Based Boosting Method
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 177-181 [Abstract] ( 2659 ) [PDF 417KB] ( 1463 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01111

Many traditional target extraction methods encountered a new challenge as the spatial resolution is increasing quickly. For the purpose of extracting buildings automatically in that circumstance, a new method combing both the object-based approach and boosting algorithm is proposed in this paper. The method associates segmentation with recognition by constructing a hierarchical object network, which improves effectively the problem of detecting targets with a modifiable sliding window existed in other methods. Then some useful features are selected automatically to train a validate classifier, and the confidence in each label incorporating kinds of information is computed to complete the extraction procedure. Competitive results both for multiform and complicated buildings demonstrate the precision, robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Xu Feng; Jin Ya-qiu
Bistatic SAR Polarimetric Analysis
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 182-187 [Abstract] ( 2370 ) [PDF 985KB] ( 1231 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01104

Making use of bistatic SAR image simulation, polarimetric characteristics of BISAR image are studied. It is found that some conventional polarimetric parameters, such as Cloude’s , α,β,γ for interpretation of monostatic SAR image lose their effectiveness for bistatic case. A transform of the unified bistatic polar bases for BISAR image is presented, and the polarimetric parameters, i.e. α,β,γ, are redefined to preserve their merits of orientation independence. Image simulations show that the polarimetric characteristics of different terrain surfaces are well described using these unified bistatic polar bases, and newly redefined α,β,γ are also applicable to interpret different scattering mechanism. It provides a new way for bistatic image interpretation and information retrievals.

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Zhu Ming①②③; Jin Wei-dong; Hu Lai-zhao
A Novel Method for Radar Emitter Signals Recognition Based on Spectrum Atoms
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 188-191 [Abstract] ( 2235 ) [PDF 242KB] ( 1062 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01167

To enhance accurate recognition rate of radar emitter signals to meet the requirements of modern electronic warfare, a novel method for radar emitter signals recognition is presented in this paper. Based on the over-complete multiscale dictionary of Spectrum atoms, the signal are decomposed into a linear expansion of atoms by the method of Matching Pursuit(MP), and FFT is applied to effectively reduce the time-complexity at each step of MP. Then the atoms characteristics vector can be achieved to identify radar emitter signals automatically and estimate the signal parameters synchronously. Experiment results show that the method can achieve high accurate recognition rate and valid parameters estimation in the circumstance of lower SNR, which confirms the properties of the proposed approach.

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Liu Gui-yu; Liao Gui-sheng; Tao Hai-hong
A Robust Beamforming Method in the Situation of Sample Pollution and Limited Snapshots
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 192-195 [Abstract] ( 2452 ) [PDF 236KB] ( 1068 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01118

In the situation of sample pollution, nulls would be formed in the expected direction, which results a great decrease in the signal-to-interference-noise ratio. And in the situation of limited snapshots, the given white noise exists in the form of color noise, so that there would be an increase in the distortion of adaptive beamforming. Based on these, an adaptive method is presented in this paper by analyzing the eigenvalues of sampling covariance matrix. This method is equivalent to interfering the sampling covariance matrix in order to improve the performance and robustness of beamforming. Finally, performance analysis and computer simulation demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

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Wang Zhi-peng; Zhang Jun; Liu Qiang
The Study of Integrity Monitor Algorithm of the Pseudorange Correction Error on LAAS Ground Facility
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 196-200 [Abstract] ( 2293 ) [PDF 226KB] ( 1077 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01006

The formulas of the pseudorange correction error are deduced. The existing integrity monitor method of the pseudorange correction error with excluding B value is analyzed, and some conclusions are obtained: the B values are correlative, if one B value is error, the other B values will be affected; the receiver error and the satellite error are not divided in the existing method, so the larger probability of fault detection and miss detection will occur. Two new methods are proposed to monitor the pseudorange correction error, which are named row and column estimation and assisting by C value. Analysis about the three methods is made by simulating six cases including no fault and five kinds faults, the results show that the two new method’s probability of fault detection, miss detection, fault exclusion, miss exclusion are all smaller than the existing method’s. Moreover, the position accuracy and continuity are improved. The two new methods are compared, and their advantage and disadvantage are discussed. Some suggestions are proposed on choosing methods.

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Wen Kai; Guo Wei; Huang Guang-Jie
A Power Control Algorithm Based on Position of Node in the Wireless Ad hoc Networks
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 201-205 [Abstract] ( 2699 ) [PDF 319KB] ( 1358 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.00995

In order to reduce energy consumption of nodes in the wireless ad hoc networks, a Power Control Algorithm based on Position of node (PCAP) is proposed. By analyzing the relationship between nodes, the Optimized Neighbor Set (ONS) of node is built. PCAP uses different power control policies for routing packets, control packets of MAC layer and other data packets. PCAP algorithm can reduce the energy consumption and guarantee the connectivity of network. The simulation results indicate that it can achieve well network performance, such as the throughput of MAC layer, dropped packets and end to end delay.

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Zhu Bo; Chen He-ming; Yang Xiang-lin; Fan Hong; Ma Zheng-bei;Qian Chen; Hou Shao-hua; Zou Jian-hua;Wang Xiao-jun; Dong Xiao-yan
The Whole Monitor to the Performance of Optical Data Stream in All-optical Network
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 206-209 [Abstract] ( 2918 ) [PDF 232KB] ( 1357 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01178

Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) multi-granularity traffic switching all-optical network is the evolution direction of the recent optical transport networks. In this paper, the practical WDM multi-granularity traffic switching testing network is constructed and a novel method using eye diagram to monitor optical performance in the network is proposed. The method is demonstrated in the reconfigurable WDM multi-granularity traffic switching all-optical network and it results that it can realize supervision of optical signal to noise ratio, time jittering, channel power, extinction ratio and bit error rate of optical data stream of any wavelength channel in the network. The method is transparent to signal protocol and bit rates and is able to distinguish between different optical impairments.

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Du Li; Liu Yu-tao
The Algorithm for Distributed QoS Multicast Routing with Resource Reservation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 210-214 [Abstract] ( 2282 ) [PDF 241KB] ( 989 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01134

To eliminate the affect of the change of resource information on the QoS multicast routing, an algorithm for Distributed QoS Multicast Routing with Resource Reservation(DQMTR) is put forward in this paper. Using resource reservation in the process of path-detecting, DQMTR overcomes the issue. By noting the number of reserved resource, DQMTR resolves the issue of over-reservation. This paper considers the characteristic of differentiated services model to which DQMTR is adapted. The simulation reveals that the algorithm improves the success ratio, and optimizes the average path cost.

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Yan Zhen-ya; Zheng Bao-yu; Lin Zhi-wei
Research on Opportunistic Cooperation Transmission and Its Performance in Wireless Sensor Network
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 215-218 [Abstract] ( 2411 ) [PDF 251KB] ( 1209 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01047

Scheme of opportunistic cooperation transmission and its performance in wireless sensor network is studied based on Nakagami channel in this paper, and effect of circuit power on the scheme is also researched. Three issues including ‘how to cooperation’, ‘when to cooperation’ and ‘performance of cooperation’ are solved. And probability of opportunistic cooperation is discussed from theory. Simulation results show that opportunistic cooperation transmission can reach better performance than direct transmission, and circuit power of sensor node also has great effect on system performance.

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Lei Lei; Xu Zong-ze
An Adaptive Power Control Mechanism of DCF Protocol in Ad hoc Networks
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 219-223 [Abstract] ( 2268 ) [PDF 222KB] ( 929 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01094

The conflict interference issue of the carrier sensing wireless network is investigated, and an adaptive power control mechanism of DCF protocol in Ad hoc networks is proposed. According to the communication status of the receiver, this mechanism adjusts adaptively the CTS frame transmission power of the receiver and the data frame transmission power of the transmitter which is decided by the receiver. The simulation results show that DCF protocol with this mechanism can not only save the average energy consumption of the nodes, thus prolong the lifetime of the network, but also can improve spatial reuse of the wireless channel, and improve the average throughput of the network significantly.

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Zhang Ming-wu; Yang Bo; Zhu Sheng-lin; Zhang Wen-zheng
Policy-Based Signature Scheme for Credential Privacy Protecting in Trust Negotiation
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 224-227 [Abstract] ( 2385 ) [PDF 209KB] ( 1139 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01519

Principals establish trust relationship by iterative disclosure of credentials and access control policies in trust negotiation. The policies and credentials might be protected because the policies might not be revealed directly and credentials possessions are the privacy for the principals. In this paper, a Policy-Based Signature Scheme (PBSS) is proposed, which protect subset of credentials in according to policy using identity-based ring signature scheme. Verifier can get the proof that signer owned credentials in according to specified policy, where signer can not deduce what types credentials supply for. Security and correctness proofs are given in random oracle model with BDH problem assumption. PBSS is only two pairings calculation and irrelevant to policy expression and size of credential set. Compared with Proof-Carrying Proxy Certificates (PCPC) scheme which proposed by Bagga(2006), the proposed PBSS scheme has higher computing efficient and lower bandwidth consumption costs than the later.

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Shi Le-yi①②; Jia Chun-fu; Lü Shu-wang
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Service Hopping Mechanism for DoS Defense
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 228-232 [Abstract] ( 1904 ) [PDF 220KB] ( 1055 )    DOI:

A game-theoretic analysis of security interactive behavior is performed between the DoS attacker and the defender under incomplete information. The dilemma of defense is discussed and the underlying fact is revealed that asymmetric nature of information and absence of server-user coalition lead to the dilemma. An improved DoS game is performed which can acquire new equilibrium through service hopping tactic, increasing service type and establishing the server-user coalition. Theoretical analysis shows that service hopping tactic is active and efficient for DoS defense. It is fundamental and important for service hopping mechanism and DoS defense.

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Ren Xin-cheng; Guo Li-xin
Study on Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave Transmission from 2-D FBm Fractal Rough Surface of Layered Medium
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 233-237 [Abstract] ( 2303 ) [PDF 248KB] ( 889 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01574

The electromagnetic wave transmission with plane wave incidence on the rough surface of layered medium is studied, the formulae of the transmission coefficient for different polarization is derived using the small perturbation method. A 2-D fBm fractal rough surface is presented for describing natural rough surface of layered medium, the curves of the transmission coefficient of the HH polarization with varying of the scattering angle of transmission wave are obtained by numerical implementation, the fractal characteristics, the basic characteristics, and the characteristics with varying of frequency of the incidence wave are obtained by numerical calculating. The numerical results show that the influence of the fractal dimension, the permittivity of substrate medium, the permittivity and the mean layer thickness of intermediate medium, the rms and the correlation length of the rough surface, and the incident frequency on the transmission coefficient is very complex.

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Yang De-cai; Chen Guang-ju; Xie Yong-le
Built-in Self-Test Scheme for Path Delay Fault of Array Multiplier
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 238-241 [Abstract] ( 2611 ) [PDF 239KB] ( 727 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01007

Due to high integration and high speed operation, array multiplier much likely suffers from delay fault. In this paper, a Built-In Self-Test (BIST) scheme is presented for the delay fault test of such array multiplier in which an accumulator is utilized as test pattern generator. Based on the transition propagation analysis of the basic unit of full adder, a kind of single input change BIST sequences is generated which has been designated to be more effective than multiple input change sequences when highly robust delay fault coverage is targeted in a series of previous theoretical and experimental results. The proposed scheme is well balanced between the path coverage and the number of test patterns. Simulation results demonstrate the proposed scheme can get high path coverage. Furthermore, the reuse of existing accumulator to generate test patterns can lead to low hardware overhead.

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Du Xiao-ming; Zhao Feng-jun; Wu Ding-yun;Zhang-le
ABCD Modeling of Crosstalk Coupling Noise of Interconnects
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 242-245 [Abstract] ( 2289 ) [PDF 216KB] ( 1442 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01156

Coupling capacitance and mutual inductance are important factors of crosstalk losses in high frequency. ABCD models with improper mutual inductance description have been reported to be used to obtain step response of coupling interconnects . In this paper, a more accurate ABCD model with modified mutual inductance is introduced. Finally, crosstalk coupling noise of interconnects in LTCC technology is analyzed using ADS simulation to verify the improved ABCD model.

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Zhu Yan-wu;Shi Shun-xiang; Sun Yan-ling; Liu Ji-fang
FDTD Analysis of Pulse Propagation on Blumlein Line Produced by Photo-Conductive Switches Applied Bias Voltage
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 250-252 [Abstract] ( 2304 ) [PDF 242KB] ( 1055 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01374

The characteristics of electromagnetic pulse produced by Photo-Conductive switches and Blumlein line under the bias voltage is studied by FDTD. The D’Alemberts formula is used to analyze the principle of Blumlein line. A total reflection border and the source method are given for the situation that Blumlein line worked under bias voltage. The SIBC is used to model the PCSs. The propagation of pulse is computed. The waveform of different time is given. The experiment result agrees with the numerical result well. The relation between geometry and output voltage of Blumlein line is studied.

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Yu Bao-zheng; Xu Cong-wei
Forgery Attacks on a Series Group Signature Schemes
2009 Vol. 31 (1): 246-249 [Abstract] ( 2219 ) [PDF 185KB] ( 790 )    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01234

Two kinds of forgery attacks strategy on the group signature schemes proposed respectively by Wang et al.. (2003) and Lin et al.. (2006) based on the Tseng-Jan’s(1999) group signature scheme is developed. Without using any secret identification or secret key, anyone can forgery a valid group member certificate and then generate a valid group signature using the forged certificate only through selecting some random parameters and changing the calculation procedures. Moreover, this kind of forgery attacks strategy can be used in Lee-Chang’s (1998) group signature scheme, Tseng-Jan’s group signature scheme and their varietals’. It means this series of group signature schemes is insecure.

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2009 Vol. 31 (1): 253-254 [Abstract] ( 1351 ) [PDF 137KB] ( 913 )    DOI:

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