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2004 Vol.26 No.2, Published: 19 February 2004
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Yang Jian-yu; Ling Tai-bing; He Jun
MTD and Range-Velocity Ddcoupling of LFMCW Radar
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 169-173 [Abstract] ( 2093 ) [PDF 983KB] ( 950 )    DOI:

To solve the problem of Moving Target Detection (MTD) and range-velocity decoupling in LFMCW Radars, a method combining MTD with frequency domain pairing is proposed. The method realizes detection and classification of moving targets with different ambiguous velocities via MTD in order to simplify the spectrum of beat signal, then eliminates moving target’s range-velocity coupling based on the symmetry of the Doppler shift between positive and negative frequency sweep in triangular frequency modulation continu- ous waves. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by simulations.

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Guo Zhi; Ding Chi-biao; Pang Jian-cheng; Wu Yi-rong; Zhu Min-hui
A Motion Compensation System for High Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 174-180 [Abstract] ( 1833 ) [PDF 811KB] ( 875 )    DOI:

Abstract Based on analyzing the restriction of high-resolution SAR to motion errors, a high-accuracy integrated SINS/GPS system for SAR compensation is proposed. By the adoption of two individual strapdown navigating algorithms, this system not only can fully inherit the advantage of SINS/GPS system, but also can isolate the high frequency GPS noise which has serious impaction on high resolution SAR imaging. The feasibility is proved by computer simulations and semi-physical simulations.

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Yao Ping①②; Zhang Tao; Li Ming-feng; Wang Zhen-song
SRC Imaging Method of De-chirped Broadband LFM Signal and Its Real Time Implementation
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 183-187 [Abstract] ( 1933 ) [PDF 757KB] ( 997 )    DOI:

Based on the analysis of the time and frequency domain character of the de-chirped broadband LFM signal, this paper presents the SRC imaging method of S AR with de-chirped LFM signal. In comparison with the RD and SRC method of normal LFM signal with the same swath and resolution, this method is proved suitable for real time processing with a decrease of data to be processed and a little amount of calculation increased. Data collected in de-chirp LFM SAR system is formed into images with this method and demonstrates it is better than RD to form fine-resolution images when there exits a squint angle in SAR system, which is usually the case in reality.

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Zhu Li①②; He Dong-yuan; Ni Jin-lin; Liu Guo-sui
Applying Genetic Algorithm to Beam Position Design of ScanSAR
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 188-193 [Abstract] ( 1678 ) [PDF 420KB] ( 874 )    DOI:

In this paper, phase weighting method using genetic algorithm is presented in order to make pattern broaden, satisfying the need of swath. In addition, the broadened pattern is simulated. According to the broadened pattern, the SAR system parameter and the orbit parameter, the range and azimuth ambiguity levels and the system sensitivity are calculated and the results are given. Based on these results, beam positions are devised. The simulation results show that phase weighting method using genetic algorithm is feasible.

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Yun Ri-sheng; Peng Hai-liang
Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Interferometric SAR Based on Local Minimum Spanning Tree
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 194-199 [Abstract] ( 1791 ) [PDF 1217KB] ( 967 )    DOI:

In this paper, a new approach to two-dimensional phase unwrapping for in- terferon ictric SAR, based on local iuiniiiiitin spanning tree is presented deriving liy branch optimum model. This approach avoids separated interferograin into isolated regions resuh- ing in incomplete unwrapped phase by traditional connecting residues methods. Guided by quality snap, the connecting of residues is proposed exactly and optimized. The experiments on real interferograni show the validity of this approach.

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Zhang Yong-jun
Accuracy of Estimation of Doppler Frequency Rate for Spaceborne SAR
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 200-205 [Abstract] ( 1702 ) [PDF 247KB] ( 1109 )    DOI:

This paper analyzes Doppler frequency rate, parameters of system and images quality , and provides the relationship among accuracy of Doppler frequency rate, resolution of images, parameters of radar system, accuracy of orbit data and electromagnetic parameters of imaging area. These results are useful for system design and data processing.

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Wang Xiao-xiang
Estimation of High Dynamic Doppler Frequency and Its Cramer-Rao Bounds
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 206-212 [Abstract] ( 1901 ) [PDF 210KB] ( 725 )    DOI:

The Doppler frequency of received signal is calculated by a Taylor series, the Cramer-Rao bounds on the estimation error is Derived and analyzed; The estimation techniques as Maximum Likelihood Estimator(MLE) and Extended Kalman Filter(EKF) are compared; Their basic frequency error performance and probability of loss-of-lock at various signal-to-noise ratios is compared by tracking a common simulated high-dynamic trajectory.

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Chen Hui; Wang Yong-liang; Pi Xing-yu
The Pre-processing Method Based on Signal Conjugate Cyclostationary
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 213-219 [Abstract] ( 1849 ) [PDF 217KB] ( 716 )    DOI:

This paper researches the relation of conjugate cyclostationary methods, and proposes a kind of pre-processing method of conjugate cyclic correlation. These methods make use of the information of the matrix of conjugate cyclic correlation is Hankel matrix. Therefore, pre-processing of Hankel Approximation Method (HAM) is proposed to cope with the low signal-noise ratio (SNR) situations. These methods can improve the performance of Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA), and its effectiveness are illustrated by the simulation results.

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Liu Ai-fang; Zhu Xiao-hua; Liu Zhong
Multicomponent LFM Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Based on Radon-Gabor Transform
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 220-224 [Abstract] ( 1927 ) [PDF 369KB] ( 685 )    DOI:

In this paper, a new transform called Radon-Gabor transform(RGT) is proposed firstly, then the basic theory is introduced for Linear Frequency-Modulated (LFM) signal detection and parameter estimation using Radon-Gabor transform. Moreover, a new method combining Radon-Gabor transform with "clean" technique for multicomponent LFM signal detection and parameter estimation is presented. The computer simulation results show its effectiveness.

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Wang Bu-hong①②; Wang Yong-liang; Chen Hui
Generalized Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Coherent Sources
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 225-232 [Abstract] ( 1844 ) [PDF 485KB] ( 1009 )    DOI:

An original Generalized Maximum Likelihood(GML) algorithm for dircction-of-arrival estimation is proposed in this paper. A new data model is established based on generalized steering vectors and generalized array manifold matrix. For the novel GML algorithm, the incident sources may be a mixture of multi-clusters of coherent sources, the array’s geometry is unrestricted and more importantly, the number of sources resolved can be larger than the number of sensors. The comparison between the GML algorithm and conventional DML algorithm is presented based on their respective geometrical interpretation. Subsequently the estimation consistency of GML is proved and the estimation variance of GML is derived. Theoretical analysis shows that the performance of GML algorithm is consistant with DML’s in incoherent sources case, and it improves greatly in coherent source case. Using the genetic algorithm, the GML algorithm is realized in the paper, and its efficacy is proved by means of the Monte-Carlo Simulations.

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Wang Zhuang; Yu Wen-xian; Zhuang Zhao-wen; Hu Wei-dong
The Process of Founding a Generic Evidential Model Based on Extending Compatibility Relation
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 233-240 [Abstract] ( 1858 ) [PDF 265KB] ( 781 )    DOI:

Evidence modeling has become a bottleneck problem of restricting the application of D-S evidence theory currently. Dempster(1967) firstly brought forward an important concept—compatibility relation based on the research of multi-value mapping. Shafer(1985) defined basic probability assignment function—the model of evidence based on the compatibility relation later. By extending compatibility relation of belief function, the process of founding a generic evidential model is described for kinds of uncertainty in this paper. Compared with Appriou’s(1999) first model, the physical meaning of the process of founding the generic evidential model is much more explicit and the system info is much more integrated. This process of modeling has wider range of application than other modeling methods of evidence.

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Zeng Zhao-hua①②; Liu Gui-zhong
Adaptive Matched Demodulation Algorithm Based on LMS with Variable Step Size
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 241-247 [Abstract] ( 1756 ) [PDF 421KB] ( 661 )    DOI:

Based on Minimum-Mean-Square-Error(MMSE) criterion, a kind of LMS algorithm with variable step size is proposed to suppress Multi-Access Interference (MAI) in asynchronous DS-CDMA system. Compare with similar variable step size LMS algorithm, computer simulation results show that the kind of detector is insensitive to the near-far effect and its structure is very simple. At the same time, it has lower bit error rate and faster speed of convergence and tracking without increasing computational complexity. In particular, the controlling parameters of proposed algorithm are not required to re-adjust, even if the channel parameter changes. So it can be widely used.

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Tang You-xi; Li Shao-qian
The Performance of Generalized Time-Frequency Domain Two Dimensional Spread Spectrum in AWGN Channel
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 248-253 [Abstract] ( 1832 ) [PDF 351KB] ( 1181 )    DOI:

In this paper, a conception of general time-frequency domain 2-Dirnensional Spread Spectrum (2DSS) is proposed. The principles of the transmitter and receiver of the 2DSS communications for additive white Gaussian noise channels are discussed, the Bit Error Rate (BER) of this scheme is also analyzed. The simulation result of the BER of the 2DSS communications is provided. It shows that the simulation result and analyzed result are almost the same.

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Lü Jing-yang; Wu Wei-ling
Fractionally Spaced Channel Estimation for Synchronous DS-CDMA Downlink with Aperiodic Spreading Code
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 254-259 [Abstract] ( 1996 ) [PDF 181KB] ( 739 )    DOI:

Synchronous Code-Division Multiple-Access (CDMA) techniques possess intrinsic protection against co-channel interference when orthogonal codes are used. However, in the presence of multipath propagation, the signals lose their orthogonality property, leading to increased cross correlation. In these cases, channel estimation may be needed in order to improve detection. The former algorithms for estimating the channel response of CDMA system are used for signal sampled with chip rate. The received signal sampled in chip rate does not satisfy the Nyquist theory and the channel may be not a minimumphase system that the former algorithms do not work. An algorithm for fractionally spaced channel estimation of a synchronous CDMA system is proposed that uses aperiodic spreading code. Simulations demonstrate the performance of proposed algorithm.

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He Song-bai; Zhou Shang-bo
Research on Spreading Sequences with Chaotic Maps
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 260-265 [Abstract] ( 1684 ) [PDF 165KB] ( 657 )    DOI:

Spreading sequence for Frequency Hopping(FH) sequence can be generated with logistic map. This paper constructs a second-order chaotic map based on logistic map, proves its probability density distribution, and proposes a method to generate chaotic frequency-hopping sequence. It also analyzes character of even and odd correlations by numerical simulation. The results shows the sequence has excellent properties.

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Ai Bo; Ge Jian-hua; Zhao Yan-ni
An Improved Algorithm for Symbol Timing Recovery in a Multipath Fading Channel
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 266-271 [Abstract] ( 1989 ) [PDF 413KB] ( 700 )    DOI:

This paper proposes a new improved algorithm for symbol timing recovery in a multipath fading channel through computer simulations. The computing equation is derived. Also, the correspondent FPGA hardware circuit is designed. Computer simulations and the testing process in the HDTV prototype prove its low complexity, easiness of realizing and excellent performance.

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Yuan Wei; Hong Pei-lin; Li Jin-sheng; Sun Wei-qiang; Ma Ming
New Data Channel Scheduling Algorithms in OBS Networks
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 272-277 [Abstract] ( 1844 ) [PDF 603KB] ( 759 )    DOI:

Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is a promising solution for realizing IP/DWDM. In this paper, two new data channel scheduling algorithms in OBS networks, Minimum Wavelength Conversion Times (MWCT) algorithm and Service Differentiation (SD) algorithm, are proposed. Computer simulation has demonstrated that MWCT algorithm leads to much fewer wavelength conversion times and the SD algorithm can provide better transmission reliability in OBS networks for high priority data comparing with the existing FF and LAUC algorithms.

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Wang Ya-feng; Yang Da-cheng
Retransmission Priority Scheduling Algorithm for Forward Link Packet Data Service
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 278-283 [Abstract] ( 1599 ) [PDF 547KB] ( 850 )    DOI:

Forward link packet data service scheduling algorithm in mobile communication systems is researched in this paper. After analyzing a few kinds of familiar scheduling algorithms, a new scheduling algorithm is proposed. Both the theoretical analysis and the simulation results shows that this algorithm takes on several advantages. On the premise of satisfying the fairness criteria, it can increase the system throughput and decrease the average packet delay.

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Shao Huai-zong; Peng Qi-cong; Li Yu-bai
An Adaptive Equalization Algorithm in Space-Time Block Coded OFDM System
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 284-290 [Abstract] ( 1663 ) [PDF 370KB] ( 766 )    DOI:

In this paper, an adaptive equalization algorithm used in Space-Time Block Coded (STBC) OFDM system with Alamouti scheme is proposed. In term of the orthogonal property of Alamouti scheme and the character of the OFDM system with multiple antenna transmitter, the proposed algorithm gets an equivalent model expression of receiver signal for STBC-OFDM system by flexible transform method; Studying on II matrix, inverse of size of 2K×2K matrix in Block RLS(BRLS) can be obtained by getting the inverse of K matrices of 2×2 gotten by decomposing it, so that the complexity of computation and receiver has been decreased. The simulation results prove the validity and property of fast convergence of the proposed algorithm.

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Shi Bing; Min Fan; Zhou Ming-tian
Pre-configuration-Cycle Fast Configuration Techniques in Mesh Network
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 291-297 [Abstract] ( 1658 ) [PDF 284KB] ( 587 )    DOI:

A new fast distributed p-cycle pre-configuration searching algorithm is proposed in this paper. It can speed up the searching process convergence from two aspects. (1) The multi-p-cycle found by the algorithm within one searching wave should be completed configuration through multi searching waves in classical algorithm. This is the reason why this method faster than classical one. (2) Our algorithm has been changed over from the cycle-based searching to the path-based searching. Using this technique, searching information converged on one node in classical algorithm will be split to its multiple adjacent nodes so reduce the performance requirement of node equipment. The p-cycles searched by the distributed algorithm have been filtered within adjacent node hence the searching process be comes faster. The simulation result also shows that the penalty to spare capacity consumed is very small in our algorithm as well as the obvious benefit on the number of searching wave descent.

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Zhu Zhang-ming; Zhou Duan; Yang Yin-tang; Xu Yang-yang
The Unified Fast Implementation of Elementary Functions in the Embeded Coprocessor
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 298-302 [Abstract] ( 1772 ) [PDF 903KB] ( 1060 )    DOI:

In this paper, the unified CORDIC algorithm is put forward by the improvement of iterative sequence and the presence of rational approximation. The unified algorithm of elementary functions is implemented with high speed. A coprocessor core using the improved algorithm is built by Verilog HDL. The core is very suitable for embedded application due to its small scale, high speed and simple control.

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Liu Hong-min;Zhang Rui;Yin He-jun
Analysis and Design on Disturbance Depression in EPC Used in Spaceborne TWTA
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 303-306 [Abstract] ( 1542 ) [PDF 174KB] ( 729 )    DOI:

Disturbance depression is very important to the reliability of spaceborne TWTA and the Electronic Power Controller (EPC) is responsible for the disturbance depression of it. In this paper, based on small signal model and PSPICE, the responses to static and transit disturbance in the pre-regulation stage of EPC are analyzed. And the design for PID is given, the results are satisfactory.

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Sun Da-rui;Wu Le-nan
Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear Feature Extraction and SVM
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 307-311 [Abstract] ( 1874 ) [PDF 433KB] ( 659 )    DOI:

Both PCA and LDA are performed by only using the second-order statistics among image pixels, and not sensitive to high order statistics in the data. In this paper, the kernel function method is used to extract the high order relations, and the Linear Support Vector Machines (LSVM) is selected to perform the face classification. The experiment on Yale face database shows that the nonlinear feature extraction method is effective, and SVM is better than nearest neighbor classifier.

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Xie Min; Huang Xian-wu; Zhong Xing-rong; Wang Jia-jun
Studies on Moving Object Segmentation Based on Information Fusion in Video Sequences
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 312-317 [Abstract] ( 1825 ) [PDF 1752KB] ( 815 )    DOI:

A method extracting moving object is proposed by utilizing the information fusion. Color image segmentation primarily uses a non-parametric clustering method based on partial space information intervening iterative mean shift procedure. A way of finding connected areas with identical marks is introduced to divide the image into different independent areas. HOS(Higher-Order Statistics) is used for motion detection. Then through post-processing, A rough motion template can be got. In such a template, the ratio of regions with identical marks to the corresponding independent region in the original image can be computed. If the ratio is larger than a predetermined threshold, the corresponding independent region will be fused. Finally, the moving object can be extracted by fusing all the predetermined regions to be fused.

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Gao Ying①②; Xie Sheng-li
Gradient Vectors Orthogonalization Based Adaptive Filtering Algorithm for Correlation Function
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 318-321 [Abstract] ( 1844 ) [PDF 149KB] ( 711 )    DOI:

In this paper, the time varying forgetting factor exponentially weighted least square error criterion Jr(n)=∑nt=0 λn-teT(n)Ce(n),is proposed by reducing the correlation function mean square error criterion Jr(n) = E[eT(n)Ce(n)] proposed by Asharif(1999). Applying gradient method on the proposed criterion, a new adaptive filtering algorithm for correlation function is proposed by orthogonalizing the current gradient vector to the previous gradient vector. Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm’s convergence performance is better than that of ECLMS algorithm proposed by Asharif.

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Zhang Jian-hong; Wang Ji-lin; Wang Yu-min
A Non-repudiation Protocol Based on Bulletin Board
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 322-325 [Abstract] ( 1608 ) [PDF 193KB] ( 553 )    DOI:

Non-repudiation is a security protocol to provide non-repudiation evidences for two transaction parties against the other falsely denying a particular event in electronic commerce while efficiency and fairness are what people have expected during electronic commerce. In this paper, a fair non-repudiation protocol based on bulletin-board is proposed to resolve the problem that a trusted third party brings into bottle-neck of communication. This protocol can achieve non-repudiation service in an efficient and practical way.

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Ren Lie-hui;Xing Feng;Xu Cheng;Chen Zhi-yu;Song Wen-miao
Analysis of the Transmission Property of Ridge Waveguide with Operator Theory
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 326-331 [Abstract] ( 1949 ) [PDF 181KB] ( 596 )    DOI:

The eigenvalues of ridge waveguide are solved with the matching of electric and magnetic field on the multiple virtual boundaries by partial differential operator theory and the property of ridge waveguide is discussed. The dyadic Green’s function has no singularity and can be transformed into scalar Green’s function. The results computed by partial differential operator theory are compared with those computed by equivalent transmission line method.

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Zhai Hui-qing;Li Long;Su Tao;Liang Chang-hong
The MoM Solution for the Capacitance of an Arbitrary Shaped Conducting Body Based on AutoCAD Modeling
2004 Vol. 26 (2): 332-336 [Abstract] ( 2125 ) [PDF 575KB] ( 693 )    DOI:

The auto-modeling of an arbitrary shaped conducting body is studied by the software AutoCAD firstly, and the surface model of the conducting body is achieved on base of many basic triangle meshes. Then the basic theory of the solution for the capacitance of an arbitrary shaped conducting body is presented by method of moment, and the closed-form of diagonal matrix elements and the numerical result of off-diagonal matrix elements are deduced. Finally, some examples of two-dimensional and three-dimensional bodies are given, at the same time the Richardson’s extrapolations of these numerical results are calculated. The results agree well with the corresponding close-form and the reference value in literature. Thus the method’s accuracy and high efficiency are illuminated.

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