Abstract:In recent years, Teager energy operator is proposed as a kind of nonlinear method characterized with tracking a time-varying signal. The operator is combined with empirical mode decomposition, and a new method of voice activity detection is proposed to find the best voice start point and end point. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is further exploited and some valid choice conditions are constructed to choose the valid intrinsic mode functions. Thus, the method is able to deal with the voice with noise. Also, the character of the single mode of empirical mode decomposition meets the demand of single frequency component required by Teager Energy Operator (TEO). At last, Hilbert transform is added to solve the inherent problem of the mode mixing due to empirical mode decomposition. Based on the above consideration, the proposed method can identify the unvoiced sound with noise, which is better than the direct TEO and double threshold method. Experiments show the validity of the proposed method.
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