Abstract:The high realism simulation interaction of flower plants is an important direction of virtual plant visualization. More and more applications are presented by the Virtual Reality (VR) headset device with the popularity of virtual reality technology. The VR system requires a highly realistic immersive picture for which generic plant modeling and graphics engine rendering capabilities are no longer sufficient. In this paper, a physical rendering algorithm is proposed based on Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function (BSDF) to realistic flower plants by analyzing the principle of illumination and combining the Physics-Based Shading (PBS) technology. Potted flora in light mode is simulated by ShaderLab and the fusion algorithm is optimized. The image is distorted by lens matching rendering technology to make the virtual scene closer to the real human eye vision and reduce the user vertigo when user wearing the VR headset when using the VR helmet equipment HTC Vive. Finally a helmet VR floral plant simulation system is designed and a realistic immersive scene is realized.
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