An Approximate Expression for Spatial Fading Correlation in Multi-antenna Rice Channels |
Han Li; Luo Wei-xiong |
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Considering the von Mises distribution as the received multipath power density distribution versus the AOA of scatter components, a formula for multipath angular spread corresponding to this distribution is presented in multi-antenna Rice channels, and an approximate expression for spatial correlation coefficient between compact antenna elements is proposed in small-scale Rice fading channels. The von Mises distribution’s concentration parameter makes a more visible impact on multipath angular spread than the Rice factor. It is concluded that spatial correlation between elements is weaker as long as multipath scattering is isotropic. It is also concluded that so far as multipath scattering is nonisotropic, the spatial correlation will acutely rises along with increasing of LOS power. The resulting analysis indicates that the angular spread and spacing between elements are main factors effecting on spatial fading correlation of received signals.
Received: 26 July 2005