Progressive Unbiased Image Registration Using Mean Shift |
Yang Xuan |
College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China |
Abstract The landmark-based registration methods do not define an unbiased transformation between the two images, which are not suitable for registering images where there are large deformations. A progressive landmark-based image registration method using Mean Shift is presented. This method is capable of providing unbiased transformations and defining a consistent correspondence between two images. Based on few initial landmark pairs, new corresponding landmark pairs are searched by Mean Shift and tacked in the images gradually to construct unbiased transformations. The progressive registration is conducive to Mean Shift to search corresponding points using satisfied initial position, and avoid Mean Shift dropping into the local minima. Experiments show that the method is simple and feasible to large deformation and small deformation registration problem in the meantime.
Received: 06 July 2011
Corresponding Authors:
Yang Xuan
E-mail: xyang0520@263.net