Parallel Solving Method of Linear Equations Based on Doolittle LU Decomposition |
Xu Xiao-fei Cao Xiang-yu Yao Xu Chen Pan |
Telecommunication Engineering Institute, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710077, China |
Abstract The fast matrix solving is the key of the moment method when computing the electrically large issues. LU decomposition is a efficient algorithm for solving linear equations. In this paper, Doolittle LU Decomposition is described detailedly. Based on the decomposition characteristics, a parallel solving method looping over squares is proposed in MPI (Message-Passing interface) parallel environment. The experiments indicate that the method can decrease communication quantity between processes and accelerate computing speed efficiently.
Received: 29 October 2009
Corresponding Authors:
Xu Xiao-fei
E-mail: x.f.xu@live.cn