An improved method of the minimum entropy for refocusing the moving target image in the SAR observation |
Chen Yi; Jin Yaqiu |
Center for Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing Fudan University Shanghai 200433 China |
Abstract Employing the synthetic technology with the Doppler shift, the high resolution image has been achieved by the observation of the space- or air-bome SAR (Syiitlietic. Aperture R.adar). However, unexpected Doppler shift caused by the high speed moving target can defocus the image. The Minimum Entropy Method (MEM) is an optimized method with no request of additional parameters. In this paper, an improved method of MEM is developed. The entropy, as a target function, is optimized for refocusing the image. This method is demonstrated fast and effective when it is applied to a simulated SAR image of a moving aircraft.
Received: 14 August 2001