Identity Based Dynamic Key Management of Airborne Ad Hoc Network
WANG Hong①② LI Jianhua① LAI Chengzhe③
①(Information and Navigation College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710077, China) ②(Information and Communication College, National University of Defense Technology, Xi’an 710106, China) ③(Xi’an University of Posts & Telecommunications, Xi’an 710121, China)
Abstract:Because of nowadays airborne network’s updating difficulty of pre-allocated symmetrical key, high communication cost of public key certificate and the requirement of security channel for distributed identitybased key management, identity-based dynamic key management of airborne network is proposed. It is
composed of two algorithms: self-organized generation of master key without the trusted third party and distributed management of user’s private key. Moreover, the master key share and user private partition can be delivered without the pre-established security channel by blinding them so that the scheme is easy to develop and flexible to extend. Finally, the correctness and security of the proposed scheme are proved, it is shown that it can provide the ability to resist the impersonation attack, replay attack and man-in-the-middle attack.
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WANG Hong, LI Jianhua, LAI Chengzhe. Identity Based Dynamic Key Management of Airborne Ad Hoc Network. JEIT, 2018, 40(8): 1985-1991.