Satellite Platform Jitter Detection and Image Geometric Quality Compensation Based on High-frequency Angular Displacement Data
HU Kun①②③ HUANG Xu③ ZHANG Yongjun④ YOU Hongjian①②
①(Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) ②(Key Laboratory of Technology in Geo-spatial Information Processing and Application System, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) ③(Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus 43210, USA) ④(School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China)
Abstract:With the improvement of imaging resolution and on-orbit mobility of earth observation satellites, the imaging geometric quality is more apparently influenced by the attitude’s high-frequency jittering of satellite platform. The traditional time-division imaging data based jitter detection and compensation methods have many drawbacks, which include large amount of calculation and high degree of error interference in dense matching, and it is unable to decompose the jitter quantity in each rotation angle direction. This paper takes the high-frequency angular displacement equipment which is carried by China’s remote sensing optical satellite for example, studies on the direct jitter detection method and the image geometric quality compensation method based on high-frequency attitude measurement angular displacement data, which include the windowed FIR filter pre-processing of angular displacement data, the phase distribution analysis on time-dependent jitter curve in pitch, roll and yaw directions, as well as image direct positioning compensation based on angular displacement data. The high-frequency jitter compensation is applied to attitude recovery and geometric rectification based on strict imaging geometric model.The experimental results of China’ remote sensing satellite images in Beijing area illustrate that the methods proposed in this paper can significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of the high- frequency jitter detection, and can effectively improve the internal geometric quality of satellite image after jitter compensation. For example, the length deformation accuracy can be improved by 0.5 pixel.
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