Abstract:Since the probability bias between 0 and 1 bit in a convolutional code sequence is very small, the existing method based on the probability bias in the input sequence is ineffective for the identification of a self-synchronous scrambler placed after a convolutional encoder. To solve this problem, a novel method for the blind identification of a self-synchronous scrambler is proposed. First, the scrambled convolutional code sequence is divided into blocks, and a new bit sequence is generated, in which each bit is the dot product of a scrambled bit block with a parity check vector of the convolutional code. Second, based on the criteria of maximizing the probability that the linear equations in the generated bits hold, the cost function of the feedback polynomial coefficients of the self-synchronous scrambler is established using the soft decision sequence, which is the output of the demodulator. Third, according to the characteristic of the number of terms in the feedback polynomial, the dynamic fireworks algorithm is modified by constraining the values of elements in fireworks, and the cost function is optimized using the modified dynamic fireworks algorithm. Simulation experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. There is no need to search for the feedback polynomial exhaustively in the proposed algorithm. It is robust to the noise and the number of data required is small. Moreover, along with the increase of the number of received data or the decrease of the order of the feedback polynomial, the correct identification ratio of the proposed method increases.
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