Research on Detection Methods to Periodic Pulsed Interference for L Band Microwave Radiometer in Time Domain
JIANG Tao①②③ ZHAO Kai①③ WAN Xiangkun①②
①(Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130102, China) ②(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) ③(Changchun Jingyuetan Remote Sensing Test Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130102, China)
Abstract:L-band passive microwave remote sensing is an effective method for detection of soil moisture and ocean salinity. However, spectrum pollution from Global Positioning System (GPS), radar and electromagnetic radiation from some commercial electronic products can interfere with the detection of microwave radiometers, it results in a certain deviation to the ground observation, and reduces the retrieval accuracy of the surface parameters. Pulsed noise interference is simulated by experiment, its transmission characteristics in L-band (total power receiver) microwave radiometer system is observed, the correlation between the characteristics of the output signal and the radiometer parameters (integrating time and sensitivity) is analyzed, its digital characteristic parameters are obtained. Combining the method of Asynchronous Pulse Blanking (APB), a new AutoCorrelation Detection (ACD) algorithm is proposed, which can detect periodic pulsed radiation interference effectively. In the case that microwave radiometer system integrating time is 1 ms, it can detect the noise interference of 1.5 K, which meets the requirement of precision of surface parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing.
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JIANG Tao, ZHAO Kai, WAN Xiangkun. Research on Detection Methods to Periodic Pulsed Interference for L Band Microwave Radiometer in Time Domain. JEIT, 2018, 40(7): 1539-1545.
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