Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Capacitance Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Compressed Sensing
WU Xinjie① YAN Shiyu① XU Panfeng① YAN Hua②
①(College of Physics, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, China) ②(School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China)
Abstract:In order to improve quality of the reconstructed images of the Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT) system, an improved sparsity adaptive matching pursuit compressed sensing algorithm is proposed. Based on the coherence point of Compressed Sensing (CS) theory and ECT, the CS-ECT model is established. In the model, the sensitivity matrix of ECT is designed in a random order to be the observation matrix, the discrete cosine base is used as the sparse base, the capacitance value is measured as the observed value. By using the Linear Back Projection (LBP) algorithm, the sparsity of the estimated images is confirmed. The sparsity can be served as the initial value of the atomic index for sparsity adaptive iteration. The lack of image reconstruction accuracy caused by the inaccurate estimate of sparsity can be solved by the improved sparsity adaptive matching pursuit algorithm. Simulation results indicate that reconstructed images with higher accuracy can be obtained using the improved sparsity adaptive matching pursuit compressed sensing algorithm than the LBP algorithm, Landweber algorithm and Tikhonov algorithm. A new method of ECT reconstruction is provided.
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