Feedback and Reverse Transmission Mechanism Based Two-stage Switch Architecture
SHEN Zhijun① GAO Jing①② WU Rigeng①
①(College of Computer and Information Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China) ②(Center of Information and Network Technology, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problems arising from the 2-Staggered Symmetry connection pattern (2-SS) in Feedback mechanism based load balanced Two-stage Switch Architecture (FTSA), a Feedback and Reverse Transmission Mechanism based Two-stage Switch Architecture (FRTM-TSA) is proposed in this paper. A novel reverse transmission mechanism of crossbar is introduced so that any input port can obtain the scheduling results of its adjacent input port. Based on such scheduling results, the buffer status information of middle-ports that received one slot ahead can be corrected. The exact information obtained from preprocessing enables FRTM-TSA to avoid the cell-conflict and cell-disordering and thus make the re-sequencing buffers are no longer needed at the output ports. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments show that FRTM-TSA can achieve a better delay performance with a simper switching fabric and process compared to existing schemes.
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