Given a graph G and a proper vertex coloring of G, a 2-coloring induced subgraph of G is a subgraph induced by all the vertices with one of two colors, a component of a 2-coloring induced subgraph is called a 2-coloring component. To make a Kempe change is to obtain one coloring from another by exchanging the colors of vertices in a 2-coloring component. Since Kempe introduced Kempe changes in his false proof of the Four Color Theorem in 1879, many scholars devote to the research on Kempe changes from different points of view. The main contributions in this paper are as follows: (1) Some basic properties of Kempe changes are summarized; (2) A series of important results with regard to Kempe changes are to be reviewed and analyzed in detail; (3) Another novel and more brief proof method of Meyniel Theorem, that all 5-colorings of a planar graph are Kempe equivalent, is given out; (4) A problem related with types of colorings is proposed here, which intends to explore the relationships between different Kempe equivalent classes, and thus contributes to the further study.
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