In this paper, a new domino extending-contracting operation, called 334 extending-contracting operation, is put forward, on the basis of which, it is proposed to construct a particular kind of graphs, i.e., 334-type maximal planar graphs, and proved that all those graphs are tree-type and 2-chromatic cycle-unchanged colored and every 334-type maximal planar graphs of order 4k has exactly 2k-1 2-chromatic cycled-unchanged colorings and 2k-2 tree-colorings. Additionally, it is proved that an infinite family of purely tree-colored graphs can be generated by implementing a series of 334 extending-wheel operations, and conjectured that if a maximal planar graph G is purely tree-colored (purely cycle-colored or impure-colored), then the graph obtained by implementing one 334 extending-wheel (contracting-wheel) operation on G is still purely tree-colored (purely cycle-colored or impure-colored).
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