A Reliable Most Forward within Radius Scheme Based Broadcast Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
YE Xuemei① LI Xuesong① CAI Yanning① FAN Qinggang① CHEN Baisong① WANG Qingwen②
①(School of Science, The Second Artillery Engineering University, Xi’an 710025, China) ②(Department of Space Engineering, The Second Artillery Engineering University, Xi’an 710025, China)
Many applications in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) rely on reliable and efficient broadcast, however, the characters that nodes move quickly and connectivity changes with scenario and time will pose a huge challenge to broadcast protocol designing of VANETs. To cope with the challenge, a broadcast direction based reliable most forward within radius scheme is proposed on the basis of analyzing and verifying that simple most forward within radius scheme has poor reliability. Then, combined with piggybacked acknowledgement mechanism, a new multi-hop broadcast protocol is designed. Compared with simple most forward within radius, reliable most forward within radius can significantly reduce failure rate of relay nodes and improve the single-hop propagation reliability; piggybacked acknowledgement enables the protocol to adapt to poor connectivity scenarios and enhances the reliability of messages spreading though the whole network. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol can achieve high reliability and low redundancy broadcasts.
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