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电子与信息学报  2014, Vol. 36 Issue (6): 1381-1388    DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2013.01147
论文 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
梁必帅*①②    张群    娄昊①③    罗迎    李开明
(空军工程大学信息与导航学院  西安  710077)      (68205部队72分队  中卫  755100)
(武警工程大学信息工程系  西安  710086)
A Method of Three-dimensional Imaging Based on Micro-motion Feature Association for Spatial Asymmetrical Spinning Targets
Liang Bi-shuai①②    Zhang Qun    Lou Hao①③    Luo Ying①    Li Kai-ming
(Institute of Information and Navigation, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710077, China)
(68205 PLA Troop 72 Section, Zhongwei 755100, China)
(Information Engineering Department, Engineering University of Armed Police Force, Xi’an 710086, China)


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