Abstract:An algorithm of real-time detecting and correcting cycle slips for Precise Point Positioning (PPP) is presented. Based on dual-frequency pseudorange and carrier-phase observations, the algorithm can be used for static positioning and dynamic navigation under vigorous ionosphere activity. In order to ensure real-time capability and veracity, data processing and signal processing are combined and a method of reasonableness verification is presented to lower the probability of misjudge. A practical application is also presented to prove the applicability of the algorithm in strong ionospheric influence.
陆晨曦, 谭云华, 朱柏承, 周乐柱. 强电离层影响下GPS精密单点定位的周跳实时探测与修复[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2011, 33(1): 73-76.
Lu Chen-Xi, Tan Yun-Hua, Zhu Bai-Cheng, Zhou Le-Zhu. A Real-time Algorithm for Cycle Slips Detection and Correction of Precise Point Positioning in Strong Ionospheric Influence. , 2011, 33(1): 73-76.